Ally Teaching and Learning Accessibility Tool
The new Ally teaching and learning accessibility tool is now available in all ELMS-Canvas courses, enabling students to download alternative formats of course documents and instructors to improve course accessibility.
Scheduled Outage of IT Services June 25, 2023
On Sunday, June 25, 2023 between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m., the Division of Information Technology will conduct a set of disaster recovery and service resiliency tests. The State Office of Legislative Audits requires that disaster recovery planning and testing be conducted annually. Conducting such tests is essential to ensuring that IT services can withstand failure large and small. This year, DIT will focus on networking tests, and the following services could be briefly unavailable:
Juneteenth Service Modifications
Division of IT offices will be closed Monday, June 19, 2023 in observance of Juneteenth.
Campus Network Refresh Initiative
DIT is excited to announce plans to replace and upgrade our campus network over the next two years.
Changes to DIT Computer Sales and Repair Services
Terrapin Tech no longer offers computer sales or warranty repairs for personally owned devices. In-person tech support assistance remains available.