Did you know that 76% of students are satisfied with technology services and support at UMD? This is just one insight found in the just-released 2023 EDUCAUSE Technology Experience Survey Results! Read the Terps and Tech one-pager for a high-level overview of findings, or check out the full e-magazine report, Student and Faculty Voices, for more detailed results. DIT’s Academic Technology Experience (ATEX) team oversees the UMD administration of this national survey every year to help DIT better understand and meet students’ and instructors’ information technology needs.
Participants this year could enter into a raffle to win a $100 Amazon gift cards for one randomly selected student and faculty respondent. We are pleased to announce that the winner’s of this raffle are:
- Kareena Kumar, Neuroscience Major, with intention to declare a Chemistry BA
- Doug Lombardi, Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, College of Education
Congratulations to our winners, and thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s survey! Visit our IT analytics page to learn more about IT service usage, satisfaction, and more.