The following changes regarding Panopto are scheduled for January 10 to optimize institutional storage space and implement an archiving process for unviewed videos.
The following changes will take place on January 10, 2023, at 9 a.m.:
Archiving of Panopto Videos
- Videos in Panopto that have not been viewed for 13 months or more will automatically be archived.
- Archived videos can easily be restored with the following steps: How to restore archived content.
- Please note: restoring an archived video may take up to 48 hours.
Videos Move with Course Copy
- When instructors copy or import an ELMS-Canvas course, any videos manually uploaded into Panopto will automatically be copied with the course site. We recommend checking the videos in Student View before publishing.
- Past Zoom recordings automatically uploaded into Panopto from Zoom will not be copied or imported with your course. If a Zoom recording was manually uploaded into the Panopto Recordings area of ELMS-Canvas, then it will copy to the new course.
- Instructors interested in re-using any recording from past semesters should review and consider the protection of student privacy and personally identifiable information. (If students’ faces, voices and names are visible in the recording, these videos should be edited, or otherwise not used.)
Return to Manual Process -- Uploading Zoom Recordings
- Zoom recordings will no longer be automatically copied into Panopto.
- Instructors who prefer to store, manage, and distribute their Zoom recordings through Panopto will now have to download the Zoom file and manually upload it into Panopto.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the IT Service Desk.